Saturday, 23 January 2010
Last year my colleague Richard told me that every month he and some friends gather to watch a movie based on an a theme that's agreed at the start if each year. It's a great idea and in 2009 their theme was Clint Eastwood. They didn't see The Beguiled but did sit through Space Cowboys.
Inspired by Richard and his pals I thought I'd initiate my own monthly film club with a membership of two. The simple aim to is to watch movies that Jo and I either have never seen or haven't seen for a long time. Our inugaural theme is 'Los Angeles' and last night we enjoyed Chinatown, probably one of they best films set in the LA.
Now I'm after suggestions for what other Los Angeles films we should watch. I already have plenty of ideas and keep looking over this huge list of movies that feature in Thom Andersen's brilliant documentary Los Angeles Plays Itself, but if you have favourites you think we must watch please leave a comment below. Thank you!
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